Computer Engineering Portfolio

A catalog of my professional projects will be shown to expose technical knowledge in the Computer Engineering occupation πŸ”‘. I will update my advances in Artificial Intelligence as well. Below is a summary of technical experience(proficiency) πŸ‘‡πŸ».

Summary πŸ“–

autonomus network

The design presented above πŸ‘†πŸ» is an Autonomous Computer Network designed at the logical level to communicate with others networks. Each square with background color of pink represent a Computer Network. Network security is also very important but you will see more about this topic in another section.

The design of a network infrastructure is important because helps efficient planning and support before implementation which enables efficient network scalability, which leads to cost reduction in the future. Implementing the proper design and documentation in every engineering project can avoid future problems and can affect production.

Artificial Intelligence is a computer engineering area that involves intelligence emulation to computers . As a Computer Engineer, my area of specialization will be Artificial Intelligence

Software Engineering is a discipline of computer science that focus in the design, development, testing, maintenance, and evolution of software applications applying engineering principles and knowledge of programming languages to build software solutions for end users.

Smart Vote Puerto Rico
Caesar Cipher

Software that can decode or encode a user string value with a basic encryption algorithm.

"Secret" Bid Auction

Multiple clients place a bid for the purchase of an asset. The client with the highest bid is declared the winner.


Calculator software.

Vending Machine

Vending Machine software that create (process) a coffee product based on the client choice after scanning the availavility of internal resources and the correct amount of currency input by the client.

Aerial Images Gallery